Saturday, August 16, 2008

Santa Fe work from Baton Rouge

While in Baton Rouge, I was able to bring my pastels and paper and worked on 6 different images from my trip to Santa Fe. They are all 8 inches by 10 inches, or 10 inches by 8 inches.

When I was in Santa Fe, I was interested in the many beautiful doors and windows that you see in that area. Some were fairly old, and some were ancient. Some doors were closed, some were archways and looked to an inner courtyard. The kivas were mysterious- such a small square of light that caused the inside of this area glow!

And then there was the interesting building that appeared to have no doors and windows, jut abstract shapes.

These pastels are not finished, but have a sense of what they will be when complete.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I just returned from Santa Fe where I visited my friend Meria. I had lots of chances for hikes, visits to galleries and chances to paint. I am including a few photos of the places and my paintings.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

MidWinter progress

Here are some images that I began in the fall, and have continued to work on during the winter. Except for the snowstorm one, which could be observed my studio window. Also, I have begun a series of downtown Grand Rapids, which was begun earlier.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Winter work from Fall Studies

I began these paintings last fall, and just got a chance to put a bit more time into them. The first one, some beeches that live in my front yard, were glowing with a bit of sun, backdropped by fall colors of the woods. I found interest in the patterns of the bark, and the intertwining of the branches.

The next two were painted at Pickerel Lake, the first rather quickly on one of the last days of warmth in the fall. There was still a bit of color in the trees across the lake, I loved the drama that the sun makes early afternoon at that time of year.

The last one was started a couple years ago, and I just had to add a bit more to it to soften and expand the color range. Although I have thought it might be done before, I am more ready to submit to its completion now.